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> Vending Locks

Cobra 7 Vending Lock
Cobra 7 Vending Lock (KEYS SOLD SEPARATELY)

The Cobra 7 Vending Lock has a Patented Lock front and matching key.  This is a higher level of security then is available in lost other tubular locks.

Cobra SideWinder Vending Lock
Cobra C3 Vending Lock

Cobra C3 Vending  Lock.  Cobra C3 Locks offer Patented Protection and HIGH SECURITY at a very affordable Price.

Cobra SideWinder Vending Lock W/Dust Cover
Cobra C3 Vending Lock W/ Dust Cover

Cobra C3 Vending Lock W/ Dust Cover.  Cobra C3 Locks offer Patented Protection at a very affordable Price.

Cobra Vending Lock

The Cobra Vending Lock is a replacement vending lock that offers higher security.  Can key into Chicago, ACE, National, LAI, Baton and others.

Medeco M3 Vending Lock
Medeco M3 Vending Lock (KEYS SOLD SEPARATELY)

The Medeco M3 Vending Lock provides High Security protection and Key Control for Vending Equipment.  All locks are custom assembled to your specifications.

Abloy Vending Lock
Abloy Sentry Vending Lock (KEYS SOLD SEPARATELY)

The Abloy Sentry Vending Lock provides High Security protection and Key Control for Vending Equipment.  The new Sentry keyway offers patented protection.

Screw Type T-Handle
Screw Type T-Handle

Screw type T-Handle is designed to fit all standard T-Handle mounting holes. Will accept all standard vending lock cylinders such as the Cobra7.
